For some people who want to do simple housekeep of deleting un-wanted files in your sd-card mass volume based on files are how old, this app is to serve that need.
To configure, set the folder (at least one), file extension (optional), file time-stamp in terms of how many days,hours,minutes old at least. Tap Execute Rule to start deleting those files fulfilling the criteria or tap Save Rule to save the configuration to be re-used later.
Important points to note:
- During the 15 minutes trial, create a dummy folder where those files to be deleted to verify the deletion is correct before using it actual
- If you wish and want to be extra safe, make a copy of the folder you set to delete so you can recover your files if the app delete the files wrongly
The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">对于一些人来说,谁不想做简单的删除不想要的文件在你的SD卡大量基于文件的看家几岁,这个程序是服务需要。
- 在15分钟的审判,创建一个虚拟文件夹,这些文件被删除,确认删除是正确的使用它之前实际
- 如果你想和想成为更加安全,使副本的文件夹删除,这样你就可以恢复你的文件,如果应用程序错误删除文件
该应用程序支持英语,简体中文,繁体中文显示。</div> <div class="show-more-end">